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Internship at OWL

Types of Internships:

High School

  • Whole Week- You are a full-time member of the staff team. You live and work at OWL's campus in Gateway whenever students are present. You are given the responsibility of a field instructor and supervisor of students. You stay in tents with students and teachers overnight, however you're assigned numerous lengthy breaks for personal time. Successful interns plan their schedule so they are able to take 1-2 classes remotely while being an Intern. They are able to use their break times to get work done for their other classes. This works great for students who have a flexible schedule their junior or senior year and want something different than the typical high school experience! You have a lot of fun, gain some really valuable experience, get credit, and get paid along the way! Click Here for More Info

Post- High School (College or Gap Year)

  • Whole Week- You are a full-time member of the staff team with a voice in the management, planning, and programming of OWL. You live and work at OWL. You are given real responsibility as a field instructor and supervisor of students. Your weeks typically begin at 9:30am Monday and end at 2:00pm Friday. You stay in tents with students and teachers overnight, however you get multiple lengthy breaks per day for personal time. You're provided extensive, valuable training to prepare you for the season so you can feel confident as a leader and teacher. This is by far the most impactful internship for both you and OWL. The phrase "you get out what you put in" definitely rings true here! Because of this, we recommend to all intern applicants whenever possible. We also recommend Whole Week Interns schedule their semester to take 1-2 classes offered remotely while being an intern. If you're an OREC student, this can help you keep your full-time student status and advance toward graduation.

  • Partial Week- This internship works well for people what want the highest level of responsibility, but have some schedule limitations that prevent them from committing the whole week. With a partial week you commit to half of the week including overnights. Either M-W or W-F (or another combination of 3 days) Like Whole Week Interns, you're placed on the staff schedule in "need to have" roles where you're the primary teacher for students, not just assisting other staff. You're provided the same amount of training and obtain a higher level of skills and experience than a Daily Intern and as a result are given more responsibility.

  • ​​Daily- This is the easiest to work into an already busy schedule, but it has the least amount of responsibility and is probably the least meaningful of an experience. You're placed in a nice to have role. where you'll still gain a lot, but we're not counting on you being there day in and day out. You teach lessons, you help supervise students, you assist full-time staff. You do more than just "get coffee and make copies". But what you're capable of contributing is limited based on your ability. Often, due to scheduling that's the most an intern can commit to and we do our best to make sure it's still a valuable experience for all! You'll typically come out for an 8 hr shift 1x or 2x per week.

*Credits/ compensation vary by internship and where you are currently or have been enrolled as a student. Inquire during the application process. 



Outdoor Wilderness Lab at Gateway School

42575 CO-141, Gateway, CO 81522     



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Empowering students to live and learn outside since 2012

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